詠春名人堂 Wing Chun Hall of Fame

詠春名人堂 Wing Chun Hall of Fame

2011/04/24 15:54

恭賀師傅林文學(Gary Lam)被詠春拳博物館(The Ving Tsun Museum)選入詠春拳名人堂。詠春拳博物館設在美國俄亥俄州。它也被稱為詠春妙師庵。(妙師庵為”博物館” 之英文單字”museum”的音譯又帶有紀念五枚師太之意。) 每年該博物館會選出一位對詠春拳有重大影響或作出重大貢獻的人物列入名人堂。先前被選入名人堂者有葉問宗師,黃淳梁師公和梅逸師公... 等大師。在獲得這殊榮之前,於 2006年師傅由世界詠春體育會授予其“年度最佳師傅獎“。

Congratulations to Sifu Lam for being inducted into Wing Chun Hall of Fame by the Ving Tsun Museum .  The VTM's is based in Ohio , USA .  Each year, the Museum selects one important figure who has made an impact on Wing Chun for inclusion. Grandmaster Yip Man, Sigung Wong Shun Leung and Sigung Moy Yat …were among the previous inductees.  This rare honor was preceded by “Best Sifu of the Year” award by the World Ving Tsun Athletic Association in 2006.

unice2011/04/26 22:55 回應
妙師庵 這名子真的翻的太妙了 呵呵
