輸與贏 Invest in Loss

輸與贏 Invest in Loss

2012/01/12 09:52

輸與贏 - 談練習詠春黐手的心態

作者: Alan C. Huang


英國首相邱吉爾曾經說過:「歷史是由勝利者所寫的」("History is written by the victors.") 這句話道出了贏的重要性。無論是在生意上,做投資或考試,我們都想贏。在體育運動也一樣。有多少人打籃球或踢足球時想輸的?這種競爭性在練習黐手時也是不可避免的。事實上,一些良性的競爭可能是一件好事,因為它會是令人更加努力練習的動力來源。然而,當一個人在練習黐手時太在乎輸贏,有時可能會產生一些負面影響。例如,他​​可能只想和他能贏的人做黐手。又如,他可能太想打到他的對手,因此忽略他的姿勢和結構。也因為沒有良好姿勢和結構,在許多狀況 「摸到」 比「打到」 更貼切。此外,如果一個人有太強的輸贏之心可能會影響到他其他師兄弟的關係。我鼓勵學生要和班上每個人一起黐手。因此他或她可與不同程度,體形和技擊風格的人黐手,進而體驗並獲得不同的東西。 如果一個人只想與少數某些人黐手,那麼他或她在詠春的進展可能會遇到阻礙。

聽說愛迪生失敗了1000次之後才發明了第一個燈泡。當有人與他談這些失敗時,他回答說: 「我只是發現了1000個不能製作燈泡的方法」。也許我們可以用像愛迪生一樣的正面思考 - 視輸或失敗也是一種學習的機會。如當您使用攤打攻擊對手但打不到他時,就把當作你學到了一種防守攤打的方法。當你的對手用正掌擊中你,就視它為你學到一種用正掌攻擊的方式。師父林文學 (Gary Lam) 曾經講述一個關於他兩個學生的故事。有一個學生是在比賽中的常勝軍。然而,有一天他輸了。從此一蹶不振,最後不再練拳了。另一個學生卻一直在輸,但有一天他贏了。從那時起,他再也沒有輸過了。習武過程中為失敗或挫折感覺到沮喪是必然會發生的事。最重要的是我們如何面對它們,是否能從中學習,堅持下去並再次站起來。在現實生活中也是如此,不是嗎?(從這點說明了少林寺的「以武修禪,禪武合一」是有其道理的。)

如果你都不想被打,你怎麼能學得會打人? 如果你都不想輸,那麼你如何能贏?

Invest in Loss – The mindset of practicing Chi Sao
Author: Alan C. Huang

Winston Churchill said "History is written by the victors."  This quote best represents the importance of victory.  No matter is in business or investment, we all want to win.  It is the same in sports.  How many people want to lose when they play basketball or soccer?  This type of competitiveness is also unavoidable in practicing Chi Sao.  Actually, some competitiveness could be a good thing, because it could be the source for motivation to train harder.  However, when one cares too much about win and loss during doing Chi Sao, there might have some negative effects.  For example, he might only want to play Chi Sao with people he thinks he can win.  For example, he might want to hit his partner too much, thus he overlooks his posture/form and structure.  Because lacks of good postures and structures, In many occasions, “tag” is better representative than “hit.”  Furthermore, if one has too much of competitiveness will likely to affect his relationship with other Kung Fu brothers.  I encourage my students to play Chi Sao with everyone in the class.  So, he or she could play Chi Sao with people with different skill levels, body types and styles.  If one only want to do Chi Sao with few certain people, then his or her progress in Wing Chun would probably be hindered.

Thomas Edison failed 1,000 times making the first light bulb, when he was asked about those failures he simply replied, “I just discovered 1000 ways not to make a light bulb.”   Maybe we could use positive thinking like Edison – view a loss or failure as an investment.  When your Tan Daar (a spreading hand plus a strike) fails to connect, you deem you have found a way to defend Tan Daar.  When your partner hits you with a palm strike, you see it that you have learned a way to use the palm strike.  When you “invest” enough, one day you would surely reap the benefit.  Sifu Gary Lam used to tell us a story about his two students.  One student was always a winner in competitions.  Yet, one day he lost.  He couldn’t rebound from that and eventually quit training.  The other student lost all the time, but one day he won.  From that point, he never loses again.  Feeling frustrated with losses or failures in training martial art is bound to happen.  The important thing is how do we deal with them and can we learn from them and rise up again.  It’s just like in real life, isn’t it?  (No wonder, the Shaolin Temple uses martial art training as a way to practice Zen.)

If you don’t want to get hit, then how can you learn to hit people?

If you don’t want to lose, then how can you ever win?

Max2012/01/12 16:10 回應
我也常在思考 習武應該是一種樂趣     而這個樂趣是在於學習技巧
而不是輸贏       贏了是一種喜悅     而不輸則是一種藝術
古人說 : 文無第一    武無第二   
但我更認為     習武是一種樂趣   畢竟 現代的社會 靠武術來謀生 是不容易的事情
但藉由習武    可以認識更多不同領域的朋友     更可以讓自己謙虛
習武 就是 修心     這是我很認同的方向
能藉由習武 來 增加自己對身體的控制   也能讓自己懂得謙讓
alphahunter2012/01/12 11:18 回應

MR.Leo2012/01/12 11:10 回應
我是Leo, 謝謝你的文章 我會更精進..
